Paulo Pereira alias A.Paul can look back on a long career. Born in 1971, he started at the age of 13 his first turntable action. In the 90ies he become one of the most respected dj’s in his country. In 1995 he released his first track an a split single together with fellow countryman J Daniel. A first remarkable sign and the start of his international career.
It’s was not your first time at Syndicate Festival, how often did you play there?
And what do you think about the festival, the vibe, the audience?
It was actually my third time this year, it’s always great fun. I know the festival is originaly known for harder styles like hardcore and hard techno, but with the inclusion of techno I think it made festival even more complete.
You have performed in many cities and countries. Do you see some serious differences from country to country. Any Countries with extraordinary characteristics?
Sure, it’s always different. Electronic music and techno in particular is a style that grows on over time, and you can tell those places where people are more into it or not. Right now Germany, France and the Netherlands are the crowds that, in general, understand techno in it’s full spectrum, and of course, that is very rewarding for the artists too. But I never say no to a challenge, and playing for different people, that are not so used to the sound, is also very interesting, makes you work harder to conquer their hearts.
What about a new album?
I release music quite often, either being albums, EPs or remixes. The last full lenght album I did was in 2012, and I do want to focus on a new one for next year. I’ve been busy doing tons of remixes lately, and also with my other projects outside of the studio, but it’s definitely on my plans to do an album next year, celebrating my 25 years of career.
You’ve released many tracks made in collaborations. You like it very much?
The studio is my playground, and I do enjoy working with other producers. It’s a great way of sharing ideas and evolving as a producer.
Is there one act, you haven’t collaborated until now, but you would like to produce together?
There are always producers that stand out for their talent and innovation in techno. My favorite producers at the moment are Gary Beck, Audio Injection, Clouds and Hans Bouffmyhre, I actually know them, 2 of them already remixed my stuff, but I’m not sure if one day we will have the chance to work together on original productions. Time will tell.
Your Label is named naked Lunch. Does it have to do with the movie?
Yes it does. The movie Naked Lunch was introduced to me by a good friend in the 90’s and I always liked the way the name sounded for it’s weirdness. But it also has a deeper meaning. „Naked“ because the label presents a lot of raw material, and does not „dresses“ music too much, we release all sorts of techno from known and unknown producers without preconceptions, and „Lunch“ because music is food for the soul.
Tell us a little bit about your hometown Lisboa. About the people, the music scene …
Besides being known for its great weather and food and hospitable people, Lisbon was and probably I may say is once again a great place to enjoy techno. In the 90’s the city, and pretty much the whole country, was an international hot spot for electronic music, even called by many „A Paradise called Portugal“. With the turn of the century things got quieter, due to several factors like lack of unity among the artists, inexistent dedicated media contributing to a lack of culture and bad promoters as well. For a while was like if the scene was condemned to estagnation. Personally, and also for most techno artists in the country, we went from fully booked weekends, to very few gigs a month. Hard techno was probably the only style that survived (also house music and commercial electronic) and we did struggle for 10 years or so. In the last couple of years I’ve been witnissing the return of the old spirit, and I am also contributing now, organizing my own events. Things do look way better, and I do sincerily hope that we manage to bring back that soul fom back in the day. There a new generation of techo fans and they deserve to experience the best the movement has to offer.
How popular is „your“ techno sound in your country?
Techno is a very wide genre at the moment, globally speaking, and Portugal is no exception. Here, people still like the harder sound of hardtechno/schranz, but there’s a new crowd enjoying other shades of techno too. I like that.
There is in Portugal something called „Saudade“. Could you explain to someone like me, who’s not from Portugal?
„Saudade“ is what you feel when you really miss something. It’s about love and nostalgia. I do feel „Saudade“ of the old days. We had an awesome scene, but I don’t like to be too nostalgic, i love to enjoy the present moment, and we will write the pages of the „future“. They shall be awesome too.
My first (self bought) record …
Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Two Tribes
My first gig …
At a school party in Cacem, near Lisbon in 1989.
My secret weapon …
Mark Broom Remix of Gary Beck’s „Consumed“, played it over 100 times by now.
My all time classic …
Tough one to answer, there are too many .. humm.. maybe „Gravitational Arch of 10“ from Vapourspace
My strangest gig …
Somewhere in Switzerland, ripped my pants while playing, didn’t get paid, ended playing vinyl records at someone’s house, and returned home the next day wearing someone’s jogging pants.
My favorite album at the moment …
Anything from Clouds, they represent what techno is all about. They are raw and original.