Viele Hardtechno-Fans werden jetzt kurz vor Weihnachten eine Träne im Knopfloch haben. Heute hat der erfolgreiche Hardtechno-Produzent und DJ Boris Schalk aka Boris S, der seit 2002 mit Releases auf Labels wie Skull Tunes, Inflicted, T:Classixx oder Bitshift für Furore sorgt, seinen Abschied verkündet. Hier ist sein Statement von Facebook.
„The last record is played, the last gig is over… Time to thank everybody for the last 15 years. Thanks to all agencies i worked with, especially to Victor Peral who made the most things possible for me. Thanks to all promoters and all Collegues i worked with and had nice parties in the past 15 years. Thanks to my parents and my whole family, that where allways proud of me, and what i was doing. But there is one person, without i never would make the 15 years. My beloved and sweet wife Lucia Chobotová. Without her i would have stopped years ago already. She always pushed me and gave me the power and strength to continue in this hard business. She was the first person who heard my new tracks and gave me the best critics to them. She was my biggest fan and she always made the parties special when she was with me. And the best moment, and the last moment of my carreer i will never forget, was also because of her. As i was playing my last record ever, she came on the stage with tears in the eyes and hugged me for a few minutes. This gave me the most emotional feeling of my whole carreer. Thank you baby.“
Wir danken Boris für 15 Jahre banging Techno und coolen Krach.
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