House-Legende Roy Davis Jr. leidet an unheilbarer Krankheit

Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-31 um 13.06.49
Chicago-House-Pionier Roy Davis Jr. – vielen auch sicherlich als Mitglied der Kult-Kombo Phuture bekannt, in der er DJ Pierre ersetzte, ist an multipler Sklerose (MS) erkrankt. Wie Davis vor einigen Stunden auf Facebook bekannt gab, wachte er letzte Woche an einem Morgen auf und konnte nicht mehr gehen. Davis, der für unzählige Strictly Rhythm-Hits und Anthems wie „Gabrielle“ oder „Mind Power“ verantwortlich zeichnet, verbrachte einige Tage im Krankenhaus für Tests und Untersuchungen, bis dann bei ihm die bislang unheilbare Krankheit Multiple Sklerose diagnostiziert wurde. Weil er sich nun erstmal erholen muss und in den kommenden Wochen weitere Untersuchungen anstehen, sind alle Gigs im April gecancelt, im Mai möchte Davis aber wieder touren.

Hier das komplette Facebook-Statement:
There is some unexpected news that I am still in the midsts of processing but I feel is important to write about so I can be as open as I can be, to you, the fans, the people who I love and to the extended musical family we are all a part of, it will unfortunately result in some changes and cancellations to my very near upcoming shows and other tour plans along with upcoming releases.
At the beginning of last week I woke up in my home in Chicago being unable to walk after having felt weak for a few days before. I was rushed to hospital and spent the remainder of last week undergoing tests and having scans whilst being put on put on various interim medications. During the weekend, I received the news that I have been diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) – An illness I have known people close to me who have suffered from but I never expected to find myself here, diagnosed myself. Something that is a very difficult thing to swallow after hearing.
I will be spending the next few weeks in and out of hospital getting back to walking with the help of my incredible doctors and various medications, I will then spend the following weeks at home recovering, not touring and with any luck going into remission. My April shows have either been rescheduled or sadly cancelled.
Despite how shocked I may still be, and with the knowledge that coming to terms with the impact of this diagnosis may take a while to really understand, and, despite the cancellations of shows, I wanted to write this to tell you all that I will not let this overcome me, I will, with the assistance of God, you, my incredible fiancé Jessie, my family, manager and team, take this simply as something to live with and overcome, finding strength within to keep going throughout. I will channel the energy that I will inevitably have to fight for now into making sure every show I play, or every track I make, is as special as I can make it, and with as much of my heart as I can give.
I hope for as long as I physically can I will continue to play music to you all as much and as regularly as possible, and continue to give you the music that lets us break free from the shackles of life’s pain, bring us all closer together and sparks our souls. MS is a disease in which so many people suffer in silence from and I hope through patience and love I can regain what has been lost and prove that for the time we do have left, we can live with all we have to give, whether you are well or unwell, we right now, still have life, and a lot to give. This will not be my end, God willing I will play on, I may touring a little less or with a little less intensity than before, but when I can, when my body allows me to, I will give you my all and we will make sure the upcoming shows are special and we carry on dancing.
We can overcome all of our hardships and will let the music play. Peace, Love and God Bless you all. Thank you for sticking with me, and thank you to those close to me for the support over the recent days and my fiancé for being by my side the whole time.
I’ll be back soon. I am planning to continue playing shows from May onwards just so long as my legs can walk me to the decks!
Love, Roy.

Wir hoffen, ihn bald wieder hinter den Decks erleben zu können.

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