Studio von Pfirter wurde ausgeraubt – er bittet um Mithilfe

Studio von Pfirter wurde ausgeraubt – er bittet um Mithilfe

Das Studio des argentinischen Techno-DJs und Produzenten Juan Pablo Pfirter in der spanischen Metropole Barcelona wurde am Wochenende ausgeräumt. Während er unter anderem in der Distillery in Leipzig spielte, waren Diebe aktiv und erbeuteten die Diebe unter anderem einen Xone 92 Mixer, zwei Pioneer CDJs Nexus 2, ein MacBook Pro 2012 und vor allem eine externe Festplatte Sandisk SSD Extreme 2TB mit all seinen musikalischen Projekten.

Es war ein großer Schock für Pfirter, wie er in den sozialen Medien verkündete. Hier sein originaler Wortlaut:

Yesterday I returned from a weekend on tour only to find out that my house and my studio got robbed in my absence. I can´t explain how it feels to come back to your place and see that all the essential material things are gone. Everything that I invested in the past 10 years since I moved to Barcelona is now in someone else´s hands. This is particularly devastating for me as I´m still recovering from the difficulties of being a DJ/producer during the 2 years of the pandemic, which also led to not having my studio or home insured. I´m completely smashed. Everyone that knows me knows that I invest all the money I make with my music back into my music which is my passion and I truly cannot live without it.

Besides the robbery of cash and personal things, the robbery of my studio gear is the most devastating of everything, and below there´s a short list of the stolen studio material. Please keep in mind if you see any of this equipment on sale on the used market. The speakers are particularly rare to be found on the second-hand market. If you hear anything about this gear you can reach me privately.

I dislike asking for donations but at this point, I really need and will appreciate any help through my Gofundme campaign to make me recover my studio and my work material which I cannot achieve by myself at this complicated time. There´s no minimum donation and all your support will be highly appreciated and not just limited to funding: sharing this to reach more people can make a difference. You can find a direct link in my bio or at:

Thank you all.

Stolen Gear:

PSI Audio a-21m speakers
Macbook Air 2022 with M2 Processor (Serial Number MQ6GP95C75)
Beyerdynamic DT1990 Pro 250-Ohm Headphones
Roland SH-101
Xone 92 Mixer
2 Pioneer Cdjs Nexus 2
MacBook Pro 2012 (Serial number C02KQ664FFT1)
Sandisk SSD Extreme 2TB with all my music projects


Wer spenden möchte für Pfirter, kann dies hier tun.

Leider ist das kein Einzelfall. Auch unseren Freunden von AKA AKA ist das schon widerfahren. Wir hatten hier darüber berichtet.


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