Heiko Laux äußert sich zu den Vorwürfen von Johannes Heil

Heiko Laux Press Pic

Gestern hatten wir über die Vorwürfe von Johannes Heil gegenüber seinem ehemaligen Label Kanzleramt berichtet. Nachzulesen hier. Heute hat sich Kanzleramt-Inhaber Heiko Laux geäußert. Um nichts zu verfälschen, haben wir von einer Übersetzung des Textes abgesehen, den ihr hier im Englisch verfassten Original findet.

„Johannes, your last release on KA was in 2006. Your last statement is from late 2008 and fully paid. You make it sound like you’ve never seen a cent, when we’re talking about some back-programm sales since then. For those sales I was understanding that you’re getting one final statement when the contracts are up.

Further you mention I’m hiding, but this post was not addressed to me, nor was I or Kanzleramt tagged in this.
From my end communication was and is always open, but as every approach from you started with heavy insulting on a personal level, sometimes over pages to scroll down, I figured I should only respond when the tone is reasonable. This post holds the first understandable words you wrote in years and they were not even directed at me…
The fact that you’re posting this to your fans from one of the nicest places on earth shows you are just full of hate.
I gladly leave the judging of character to anyone reading this.“


Daraufhin hat Johannes Heil seinerseits entgegnet:
„After a decade of trying to sort it all out with you, after many talks and even more emails where you never showed any will to proceed and bring everything to a good end, you did not even reply since two years, what you write now is nothing but a stinky joke to me and i am sick and tired of your bullshit games, as my final consequence a lawyer will take care of it, all good! In the end it will be a lawyer and judge, not the public opinion or any assumptions that will bring forth justice, this will be based on given contracts and laws and i am very happy to wait for it! My first job was to make sure lovers of my work do not buy it from you anymore, this task is checked i guess… I should have done that many years ago!“


Wieso sich die Beiden auf Englisch öffentlich streiten, mag der Internationalität geschuldet sein…


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