Lost In A Moment abgesagt – Innervisions ohne Sónar-Party

Bildschirmfoto 2015-04-15 um 16.29.20
Der 173 Meter hohe Montjuïc ist der Hausberg von Barcelona, wo sich auch das gleichnamige Kastell aus dem 17. Jahrhundert befindet. Im Rahmen des Sónar Festivals sollte dort am 21. Juni die Innervisions-Party „Lost In A Moment“ stattfinden, neben Dixon und Âme sollte u.a. auch der Südafrikaner Culoe De Song auflegen. Nun ist die Party gecancelt worden, Co-Organisator IR, eine Event-Agentur aus der katalanischen Metropole, hat in einer Pressemitteilung verkündet, dass es wegen einer neuer Gesetzeslage keine Genehmigung für die Location gibt. Offen ist noch, ob die Party woanders stattfinden kann.

Hier die komplette Mitteilung:
After many months of hard work and planning toghether with the Innervisons team, we regret to inform that due to new regulations in Barcelona and the Montjuic area, our license has not been granted for Lost in a Moment to take place at El Castell de Montjuic.
We have to assume our responsibility for announcing in advance and are feeling your same disappointment and frustration, but at that moment we could not foresee this change in license regulation concerning the Montjuic Area (and alternative locations) after many years of promoting events in this area of the city.
We are extremely sorry for the delay in informing all the fans who have been eagerly awaiting for tickets, but we gave it all we had until the end to try and reverse the situation, unfortunately it seems it is just not possible during this period.
We are working to have more info for you soon, for now, we can only deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
All our other 7 events are 100% CONFIRMED…“

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