Britische Drum’n’Bass-Ikone verstorben

Der britische Drum’n’Bass-Act Optiv ist verstorben. Edward Holmes, so seine bürgerlicher Name, war DJ, Producer und Kopf des Labels Red Light Records, das er 2003 ins Leben rief. Bekannt wurde er vor allem um die Jahrtausendwende durch seine Mitgliedschaft in dem Projekt Cause4Concern.

Edward Holmes lebte in der Schweizer Hauptstadt Bern, über die Todesursache ist bisher noch nicht bekannt.
Unser Mitgefühl gehört den Angehörigen.



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Cant even believe I’m having to write this but as many of you will already know by now it’s with great sadness that we have to announce that our beloved brother/friend Edward Holmes a.k.a Optiv has been tragically taken away from us over the weekend. ————————————————————— As you can imagine, this has come as a total shock to us and many of you that are reading this at the moment. ————————————————————— His output over the past 20 years has reached worldwide and his imprint will live on forever. He was a true pioneer to his craft. ————————————————————— A hugely respected human who was taken away from us far too soon. ? ————————————————————— Please leave your thoughts and messages below. I know his family and friends would love to read them. —————————————————————

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Cause4Concern (@cause4concernuk) am


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