Diese Frage ist natürlich polemisch. Das geben wir zu. Aber was sich heute im weltweiten Netz ereignet hat, ist beispiellos. Aufgrund der sehr schwierig zu entschuldigenden Aussagen von Mario Basanov hat sich ein Shitstorm ungeahnten Ausmaßes über den Litauer ergossen.
Seine Booking-Agentur hat ihn gedroppt (“Coda Music Agency condemns all forms of discrimination based on race, religion or sexual orientation. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and to represent a hugely diverse roster of artists. We no longer represent Ten Walls”), viele Festivals wie Sonar oder Urban Art Forms – wir haben berichtet – haben ihn von den Line-ups genommen und sein als Entschuldigung gemeinter Facebook-Post ging auch in die Hose. Creamfields erklärt es folgendermaßen: „In response to recent derogatory and homophobic comments made by Ten Walls who was one of the artists due to perform at this year’s Creamfields festival, we have made the decision to remove him from the show. Whilst we respect freedom of speech, we find his defamatory and prejudiced comments about the gay community extremely offensive and feel that this is not in line with the spirit of Creamfields or an opinion that we support. Creamfields is celebrated for being a festival that welcomes all and we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to hate of any kind. Everyone who attends our shows should feel welcome and safe. Comments like this, coming from one of the artists contradicts our festival ethos. We apologise for any inconvenience and disappointment this may cause and hope you respect our decision.“
Die Veranstalter des niederländischen Pitch-Festivals schlagen in dieselbe Kerbe: „In light of recent comments made by Ten Walls on his Facebook regarding homosexuality, we have decided to cancel Ten Walls’ show at PITCH festival. We want to make very clear that PITCH is a festival for everyone, and we are against any form of discrimination whatsoever, on and off our festivalsite. Comments like these are so far from our beliefs that it wouldn’t make any sense to have this act playing our festival.”
Hier ist seine ‚Entschuldigung‘, die ihm wirklich niemand abnimmt:
„Last week I wrote a Facebook post that was wrong and completely out of character and the result was a badly written post that was unacceptable. It was never my intention to offend anyone. I’m really saddened by everything that has happened and I would like to apologise to everyone I’ve let down, especially to my friends in the gay community, and my fans.
I now need to take a break and have cancelled my upcoming shows.“
Die Reaktionen in der weltweiten DJ-Community haben dann auch nur in eine Richtung ausgeschlagen:
Karotte: „In the first time he make rip-offs from other artists tracks and now he said that i’m a pedo? What a Homophobic Asshole!!!“
Timo Maas: „Er ist überall rausgeschmissen worden…mit Erfolg kommt Verantwortung. Das hat er eindeutig nicht verstanden. Er ist auch bereits bei CODA Agentur gefeuert und das wird auch weitergehen… wie hieß es bereits vor fast 30 Jahren: „Jack is the one that can bring nations and nations of all Jackers together under one house! You may be black, you may be white, you may be Jew or Gentile. It don’t make a difference in our house. And this is fresh!“ Think!“
Ob er noch einmal wiederkehren kann, wenn ein wenig Gras über die Sache gewachsen ist?
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