Dave Clarke wird nicht mehr in die USA reisen – welcher DJ folgt

Dave Clarke wird nicht mehr in die USA reisen – welcher DJ folgt

Der britische ‚Baron Of Techno‘ ist dafür bekannt, mit seiner Meinung nicht hinter dem Berg zu halten und auch unangenehme Dinge zur Sprache zu bringen. Dass er damit viele Leute vor den Kopf stößt – who cares. Dave jedenfalls nicht. Heute hat sich Dave Clarke zum neuen US-Präsidenten geäußert und sein Post hat hohe Wellen geschlagen.


„This is a tough one, I have been thinking about this for quite sometime and I just have to put it out there……….I have maximum respect for the influence of American music and some US culture in my life but I will not be renewing my work visa.
I have had bad experiences in the US professionally and that also has some part of this too , I would be two faced if I did not disclose this. An agent from a while ago didn’t look after things professionally , well no big details here and that had shaped my view on things and how things were becoming over there…..but the big picture is undoubtedly political, I simply cannot consider coming to the US professionally when there is a Misogonyst Narcissist Racist President in office, and to be fair maybe my work permit would not be renewed due to his „Hire American“ policy.
Donald Trump takes Shapeshifting to an art form……….
This is the process of democracy that he is in power, there is no argument there, but my decision is down to freewill.
This is not punishment for those that love my music but a decision that I base on my intuition.
So all you lovely people that send me requests to come into your beautiful country please do not take this personally. Those of you in the US or born there that make great music I will still support you and book you. Any racist/ bigoted comments will be deleted.“

So kennt man David Anthony Clarke aus Brighton, der im kommenden Jahr seinen 50. Geburtstag feiert. In der Mitte der 1990er Jahre sorgte er mit Releases auf seinem eigenen Label  Magnetic North für Furore, bevor er ab 2001 vornehmlich auf Fat Boy Slims Label Skint veröffentlichte. Als Remixer hat er sich schon um Künstler wie Depeche Mode, Moby, Underworld oder Laurent Garnier gekümmert.

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